Kumpulan Contoh Soal UAS UKK Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5 SD MI Dan Kunci Jawaban 2019
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Soal PAS/UAS pada semester 1/dan UKK pada semester 2, Bahasa Inggris dapat Bapak dan Ibu Guru ujicobakan pada siswa-siswi Anda. Semoga Siswa-siswi anda akan berhasil dengan nilai yang maksimal dan menjadi generasi penerus yang handal dan berkualitas serta berakhlaqul karimah.
Dalam mendukung usaha para guru mengukur penguasaan materi siswa-siswinya, kami menyajikan beberapa soal PAS/UAS dan UKK yang dapat diujicobakan dan dapat mengukur kemampuan siswa siswi kelas 5 (Five) SD/MI. Saya yakin dengan usaha yang keras dan sungguh-sungguh pada akhirnya akan menghasilkan output (lulusan) yang memuaskan.
Soal yang kami sajikan sudah disesuaikan dengan indikator-indikator yang harus dikuasai oleh siswa/siswi kelas 6.
Paket Soal I
Waktu : 60 Menit
1. I look the moon at....
A. rainy
B. sunny
C. night
D. village
2. My stomach is sick I have....
A. penicillin
B. headache
C. stomachache
D. a cold
3. Andi : Let's go to library
Rini : Ok They want to....
A. reading books
B. listening music
C. playing football
D. watching the film
4. You can buy a stationery in the ....
A. movie
B. mosque
C. bookstore bank
D. bank
5. Ardi and Lia is crossing the road on ....
A. zebra
B. river
C. Zebra cross
D. Lift
6. Choose the correct sentence!
A. I read a newspaper
B. I newspaper read
C. Newspaper I readed
D. Readed newspaper I
7. My body is health make me ....
A. sad
B. tire
C. happy
D. boring
8. The opposite of tall is ....
A. small
B. high
C. tall
D. short
9. I have a new shoes and a pair of....
A. watch
B. glass
C. sock
D. plate
10. There is a . . . in my home.
A. station
B. garden
C. airport lake
D. lake
11. Unyil and Ucrit are playing . . . in the yard.
A. kite
B. chess
C. playstation
D. computer
12. Kalimantan is in the . . . of Papua.
A. west
B. east
C. north
D. south
13. Astronauts go to the ....
A. star
B. moon
C. nothing
D. sun
14. The capitol city of West Java is ....
A. Jakarta
B. Banten
C. Bandung
D. Yogyakarta
15. a doctor works at a ….
A. library
B. office
C. school
D. hospital
16. Tangkuban Parahu is a legend from....
A. West Java
B. East Java
C. Center Java
D. Sumatera
17. I . . . my mother with his phone.
A. write
B. call
C. read
D. eat
18. Apple, mango, jambo, avocado are ....
A. vegetables
B. fruits
C. animals
D. insect
19. I am looking for new book reference in
A. toilet
B. swimming pool
C. library
D. airport
20. We can see a lot of plane in the....
A. toilet
B. swimming pool
C. airport
D. station railway
24. The sign mean untuk dijual is....
A. for sale
B. discount
C. toilet
D. for rent
25. The sign mean rumah makan is ……
A. dinning room
B. waiting room
C. airport
D. restaurant
26. The sign mean ruang tunggu is ...
A. dinning room
B. waiting room
C. hospital
D. bedroof
27. The sun shines in the....
A. west
B. east
C. north
D. south
28. Have you ever visited to the Pangandaran?
A. mount
B. beach
C. reservoir
D. lake
29. Calculating machine is....
A. camera
B. calculator
C. radio
D. facsimile
30. We can hear many voice by using our....
A. head
B. nose
C. neck
D. ear
1.I use a. . . for wiping the wrong words on the notebook.
2.Kurniawan is player football. He kicks the ball with his . . . .
3.We smell with our ………
4.My father save his money in the . . . on Jl. Jawa.
5.Bandung is in . . . Java.
6.The sun sets is in the ………
7.What colour of coffee? It is . . . .
8.What colour is your uniform? It is . . . .
9.The word INDONESIA have . . . vowels (huruf vokal).
10. There are . . . months in the year.
1. I look the moon at night (malam).
Saya melihat bulan di malam hari (night).
Rain (hujan), sunny (cerah), village (desa).
Jawaban: C. night
2. Stomachache (sakit perut).
Penicillin (penisilin), headache (sakit kepala), a cold (masuk angin).
Jawaban: C. Stomachache
3. Library (perpustakaan). Listening music (mendengarkan musik), playing
football (bermain sepak bola), waching teh film (menonton film).
Jawaban: A. reading books
4. You can buy a stationery in the bookstore.
(Kamu bisa membeli alat-alat tulis di toko buku).
Bookstore (toko buku), movie (bioskop), mosque (mesjid), bank (bank).
Jawaban: C. Bookstore
5. Zebra cross (tempat penyeberangan jalan).
Jawaban: C. zebra cross
6. Subjec + Infinitive (Present Tense).
I read a newspaper. (Saya membaca koran).
Jawaban: A. / read a newspaper
7. My body is health make me happy.
(Badanku sehat membuatku bahagia).
Jawaban: C. Happy8. Lawan kata tali (panjang) adalah short (pendek).
Small (kecil), high (tinggi).
Jawaban: D. short
9. I have a new shoes and a pair of socks. (Sepasang kaos kaki).
A pair of. . . . (Sepasang....)
Jawaban: C. Socks
10. Garden (kebun). There is a garden in my home. Station (stasiun), airport
(bandar udara), lake (danau).
Jawaban: B. Garden
11. Kite (layang-layang). Unyil dan Ucrit bermain layang-layang di halaman.
Chess (catur).
Jawaban: A. kite
12. Kalimantan terletak di sebelah barat (west) Papua.
East (timur), north (utara), south (selatan).
Jawaban: A. West
13. Moon (bulan). Astronot pergi ke bulan (moon). Star (bintang, sun
Jawaban: B. moon
14. bukotanya Jawa Barat adalah Bandung.
Jawaban: C. Bandung
15. Dokter bekerja di rumah sakit (hospital).
Library (perpustakaan), Office (kantor), school (sekolah).
Jawaban: D. hospital16. Tangkuban Parahu adalah cerita legenda dari Jawa Barat (West Java),
Jawaban: A. West Java
17. Ca// (memanggil). / call my mother with his phone.
Write (menulis), read (membaca), eat (makan).
Jawaban: B. Call
18. Fruits (buah-buahan). Aple, mango, jambo, avocado are fruits.
(sayur-sayuran), animals (binatang), insect (serangga).
Jawaban: B. Fruits
19. Saya mencari referensi buku baru di perpustakaan (library).
Jawaban: C. Library
20. Airport (bandar udara). We can see a lot of plane in the....
(Kita bisa melihat banyak sekali pesawat terbang di bandar udara).
School (sekolah), sea (laut), station rail way (stasiun kereta api).
Jawaban: C. air port
21. Cinema (gedung bioskop).
Jawaban: A. the cinema
22. Post office (kantor pos).
Jawaban: C. Postoffice
23. Canteen (kantin).
Jawaban: C. Canteen
24. For sale (untuk dijual), discount (potongan harga), toilet (kamar kecil), for
rent (untuk disewakan).
Jawaban: A. for sale25. Restaurant (rumah makan), dinningroom (ruang makan), toilet (kamar
airport (bandar udara).
Jawaban: D. restaurant
26. Waiting room (ruang tunggu), hospital (rumah sakit), bedroom (kamar
Jawaban: B. waiting room
27. East (timur).
Jawaban: B. East
28. Beach (pantai). Mount (gunung), lake (danau), reservoir (kolam air).
Jawaban: B. Beach
29. Calculator (kalkulator). Mesin penghitung adalah kalkulator.
Jawaban: B. Calculator
30. Kita bisa mendengar banyak suara melalui telinga (ear). Head (kepala),
nose (hidung), neck (leher).
Jawaban: D. ear
1. eraser (penghapus).
Jawaban: eraser
2. Foot (kaki). Player football (pemain sepak bola)
Jawaban: foot
3. Nose (hidung). Smell (mencium bau).
Jawaban: nose4. Bank (bank). Save his money. . . (menabung uangnya)
Jawaban: bank
5. Wesf (barat)
Jawaban: west
6. West (barat). Matahari tenggelam di barat.
Jawaban: west
7. Black (hitam)
Jawaban: black
8. White and red (putih dan merah). Uniform (seragam)
Jawaban: white and red
9. Five (lima). Huruf vokalnya lndOnEsIA
Jawaban: five
10. Twelve (dua belas). Ada dua belas bulan dalam setahun.
Jawaban: twelve
Paket Soal
Mother and Alya are in the kitchen. They are preparing for
breakfast. Alya help mother every morning. After having a bath and
before goes to school. They have some bread and milk for breakfast.
Alya put them on the table. Mother are making nasi goreng. After that,
she makes tea for father. He likes tea very much. Specially in the
I. Answer the question!
1.Where are mother and Alya?
2.Who helps mother every morning?
3.What does mother makes for breakfast?
4.Does father likes tea very much?
5. Where does Alya put the bread and milk?
II.Choose (X) the right one A, B, C, or D!
6. I. . . want ten apples.
A. don't
B. doesn't
C. will
D. does
7. X : . . . birds are there on the tree?
Y : Four.
A. How much
B. Like
C. How many
D. What
8. They . . . ten oranges.
A. likes
B. like
C. use
D. makes
9. Adi : "How many balls are there?"
Dono : "There are . . . .
A. fifteen
B. sixteen
C. ten
D. twelve
10. X : Does he like bananas?
Y : Yes,....
A. he doesn't
B. he has
C. he does
D. he does not
11. Our teacher, teaches . . . English.
A. us
B. me
C. I
D. him
12. We have.
A. dinner
B. lunch C. breakfastD. dessert
13. I. . . an apple
A. dinner
B. wants C. needsD. want
14. Carrots, cauliflower, longbeans are
A. fruits
B. vegetables
C. food
D. drink
15. You . . . need six pineapples
A. do not
B. wants
C. have
D. has
16. It is good drink. . . everyday.
A. a glass of water
B. a glass of milk
C. a tin of milk
D. a cup of coffe
17. Papaya, banana, and durian are kinds of. . . .
A. drinks
B. grains
C. fruits
D. vegetables
18. If you are hungry (lapar), you need some . . . .
A. rice
B. water
C. food
D. fruit
19. What time is it?
It is. . . .
A. half past two
B. half past six
C. half past six
D. three o'clock
20. The second mont of the year is . . .
A. January
D. February
C. March
D. April
21. Today is Wednesday. Tomorrow is
A. Sunday
B. Thursday
C. Tuesday
D. Wednesday
22. What time is it?
It is....
A. a quarter to eleven
B. a quarter to twelve
C. a half past eight
D. a quarter to eight
23. Today is Monday, Yesterday is
A. Sunday
B. Tuesday
C. Wednesday
D. Thursday
24. What time is it?
A. six o'clock
B. a half past four
C. four o'clock
D. a half past six
25. The month after June is…………..
A. December
B. July
C. August
D. September
II. Fill in the blanks below! (Isilah titik-titik di bawah ini!)
26. Whe eat and drink with our. . . .
27. Does she want an apple. Yes she . . . .
28. Ani changes . . . dress in the bedroom.
29. The day after Sunday is
30. We see with our
KUNCI JAWABAN Bahasa lnggris
1. They are in the kitchen
2. Alya
3. Nasi goreng, bread, milk
4. Yes, he did
5. on the table
6. A 11. A 16. B 21. B
7. C 12. C 17. C 22. B
8. B 13. D 18. C 23. A
9. C 14. 8 19. D 24. A
10. C 15. A 20. B 25. B
26. Mouth
27. is
28. her
29. Monday
30. eyes